
reproduing DRM results

Andy-Shawshank opened this issue · 0 comments

To Reproduce results for DRM,
sh scripts/launch.sh pretrain resnet50 10 3 local DRM
sh scripts/launch.sh sup resnet50 10 3 local DRM
sh scripts/launch.sh unsup resnet50 10 3 local DRM
First of all,what specific results are these three reproducing?(Table?Figure? in the paper)
Secondly,i wonder are these commands complete?cuz I got some problems while running the second command(fail to use pertrained model)
Eventually,i'm kinda confused cuz this codebase is a mixture of AdaNPC and DRM while i'm only interested in DRM.If I only want to compare DRM as a test-time-adaptation algorithm with others, how should I do it? (If reproducing already includes this part, please ignore this question).