First little comparison between SwissEphNEt and SwissEph
Closed this issue · 1 comments
thank you for quickly calculating ephemeris with files SwissEph. Very Good job .
Below I might do some small consideration to help you fix any bugs .
I imagine that your job is already hard enough. Leave my remarks at last.
I started to do some comparison between SwissEphNet (SweWin.exe) and SwissEph (SweWin.exe) .
"Main planets and SwissEph " the results are virtually identical ... every now and then change the last decimal place . I think due to rounding. These differences are very small and not significant.
" Moshier" idem 1 , but with some different decimal places . Especially in the "node " and " Apogee".
1 ) the first calculation : "Main planets and SwissEph" --- okay ; change in "Moshier" --- the results of "Moshier" are not accurate.
2 ) if I set the parameter "with asteroids " the program is in error:
seas_18.se1 is damaged.
3 ) if I set the parameter "hyp. bodies" the program goes wrong.
File: SwemPlan.cs - function: check_t_terms - line: 957 -
while (sp != null && "0123456789.".Contains(sp[0])) --- generates error ;
I changed it to:
while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp) && "0123456789.".Contains(sp[0])) --- seems to work.
Thanks a lot,
I'm sorry for my bad English
Thanks for your help.
For the first points: I think it's a format problem. I fact in the original code, the format functions are a little buggy, so with the DMS/HMS and FormatToDegreeMinuteSecond implementations in SwissEph.Format.cs, I try to remove this bugs. But perhaps this implementations are buggy too :)
Send me some relevants configuration to tests the values and theirs formatted results.
For the three problems, I looking for.
I close this issue, and I'll create one issue for each problem. For the future I will better to create an issue for each kind of problem, it's more easy to follow.
Thanks for you support.
No problem for the English, I'm French and I have the same problem ;)