Keras + Sklearn Wrapper for grid searching parameters
Task1 Iris+DNN
highest accuracy is 0.97 achieved with 100 epoches (12 as first hidden layer size, and 6 as the second hidden layer size). For details, please seetask1/Task1-Iris-DNN.ipynb
vanila baseline achieves 0.9657, and adding dropout achieves 0.9795 on a DNN with the following parameters(64 epochs, 64 as the first hidden layer size, 32 as the second hidden layer size, 128 batch size, and 0.1 dropout rate)
For output details please seetask2/Task2-MNIST-DNN.ipynb
, the learning curve plot can be found intask2/learning_curve_comparison.png
Task3 SVHN+CNN+bachnormalization
the baseline model achives 0.893 accuracy; after bachnorm, achieves 0.952 accuracy on the test set. For details, please seetask3/
Task4 VGG+Pets+transferredLearning
The model achieves 0.755 test accuracy with a retrained MLP (32 epochs, 128 batch size, 32 hidden layer size). For details please seetask4/
and simplytask4/task4-notebook.ipynb
, which contains all output display.
To executetask4/
make sure you changepath_to_pets = "../pets/"
to letpath_to_pets
point to wherepets
folder sits on your computer.