Input.keyevent_target= raises NameError in Opal 1.2.0
sonota88 opened this issue · 0 comments
sonota88 commented
Hi. I tried to use DXOpal with Opal 1.2.0 and NameError was raised in Input.keyevent_target=
uninitialized class variable @@keyevent_target in DXOpal::Input
at Opal.class_variable_get (http://localhost:7521/build/dxopal.js:918:28)
at Function.$Input_keyevent_target$eq$9 (http://localhost:7521/build/dxopal.js:26352:21)
at Object.Opal.send2 (http://localhost:7521/build/dxopal.js:1773:17)
at Opal.send (http://localhost:7521/build/dxopal.js:1763:17)
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (http://localhost:7521/index.html:2:7), <anonymous>:11:3)
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (http://localhost:7521/index.html:2:7), <anonymous>:13:3)
at http://localhost:7521/index.html:32:7
It seems to be caused by the following change.
Rework class variables to support inheritance correctly by hmdne · Pull Request # 2251 · opal/opal
Steps to reproduce
ruby -v
=> ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-linux]
git log -1 --oneline
=> 45a9605 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.5.2, origin/master, origin/HEAD) v1.5.2
Edit Gemfile
-gem 'opal'
-gem 'opal-sprockets'
-gem 'c_lexer'
+gem 'opal', '1.2.0'
+# gem 'opal-sprockets'
+# gem 'c_lexer'
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install
bundle exec opal -v
=> Opal v1.2.0
bundle exec rake build
bundle exec dxopal server
# Open http://localhost:7521/index.html and see developer console.