
delay in keep_alive due to sleep

berthubert opened this issue · 5 comments


I have a new user for https://github.com/berthubert/bagconv and they are trying to send loads of queries to my cpp-httplib powered server, and getting timeouts.

I'm still investigating exactly what is going on, but I wonder what this is doing in keep_alive:


There is already a call to select/poll that will sleep for interval_usec. What does this add, except latency for clients?
I'm also a bit confused why this has to loop so quickly, is this to catch a change in svr_sock to INVALID_SOCKET?

I've removed the sleep_for locally and things appear to be snappier now, and I don't see any problems. But perhaps I am missing something!


This is to avoid unresponsiveness when there are more active threads than cpu cores in a machine.

I made an example to reproduce the problem in the following branch.

If I build example/ssesvr and example/ssecli and run both on my machine (8 cpu cores), some of clients cannot receive events from the server. But If I get the std::this_thread::sleep_for call back, then all of clients can receive events from the server.

It indicates that if there are more active threads running on a machine with a cpp-httplib server, we might encounter issues. Using std::this_thread::sleep_for in the busy loop can allow other threads to execute.

Hope it helps.

Thank you for investigating this! As far as I understand sockets and threads, the sleep_for should not be necessary and I wonder if it is in fact papering over a MacOS bug or perhaps a bug somewhere else. Here on Linux all ssecli threads receive updates with and without the sleep_for call. I added some code to check if all threads get data:

  vector<atomic<time_t>> times(threead_count);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < threead_count; i++) {
    threads.push_back(std::thread{[&, i] {
          .Get("/event1", [&, i](const char *data, size_t data_length) {
            if (i == threead_count - 1) {
              std::cout << string(data, data_length);

            return true;

  for(;;) {
    time_t now = time(0);
    for(size_t i = 0 ; i < threead_count; ++i) {
      int delta = now - times[i];
      if(delta > 2)
        std::cout << "Thread " << i << " is behind by " << delta<<" seconds!\n";

However, I do get strange 'starvation' issues in other circumstances, even with the sleep in there. I'll investigate some more.

so I suspect that the loop of 10 millisecond select/poll calls is causing thread starvation on MacOS, where it keeps picking the same thread for getting CPU time. Increasing the CPPHTTPLIB_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_CHECK_INTERVAL_USECOND might also make the problem go away. Perhaps.