
Issue with electron:dev script.

zefaxet opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi. Thanks for putting together this project bootstrapper. It's really nice and saving me time.
I am having an issue when trying to run
yarn run electron:dev

This is the result:

λ yarn run electron:dev
yarn run v1.21.1
$ concurrently "BROWSER=none yarn start" "wait-on http://localhost:3000 && tsc -p electron -w" "wait-on http://localhost:3000 && tsc -p electron && electron ."
[0] 'BROWSER' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[0] operable program or batch file.
[0] BROWSER=none yarn start exited with code 1

This is apparently referring to the BROWSER=none line, witch is not valid batch script. I would bet that this wasn't designed to be run on Windows, or at the very least not outside of shell script.

This is on Windows 10 through ConEmu batch.
Does this look familiar to you? I have a feeling that this is a Windows-specific problem. Do you know of a work-around for my use case?

I believe I have gotten this to work mostly as expected.
I have replaced the first concurrently directive with SET BROWSER=none && yarn start and everything seems to deploy correctly.
The one caveat is that windows complains that 'none' is not a valid browser but it doesn't stop the build or the server.