
What does the letters mean?

liuxilu opened this issue · 4 comments

  ^^ ^^^^^^^

qxxxy means the IDS describes glyph y of UCV (Unifiable Component Variants) rule xxx.

For a full list of all UCVs, see IRGN2476 under

Thanks, but what about the others? And [ { ? # .?

these parameters holds certain meaning but haven't been stabilized yet.

qxxxy means the IDS describes glyph y of UCV (Unifiable Component Variants) rule xxx.

For a full list of all UCVs, see IRGN2476 under https://appsrv.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~irg/irg/irg56/IRG56.htm

Then, what does q4533 mean?The last UCV rule is 442, less than 453.