
Solutions of questions from https://projecteuler.net/

Primary LanguageC

Project Euler

  • Folders are named as ProblemID-ProblemName.

  • Problems written in the task.md file. (Which is located in the problem folder.)

  • All output files were named as ans. Therefore, in .gitignore file I ignore them.

  • This project uses only C language.

I. Definitions

#define GIVEN_NUMBER value

II. Data types

// In general, we must deal with big numbers.
unsigned long int unsigned_nb;
long int signed_nb;

III. Coding Style

# I am using indent. Indent is a powerful code refactoring tool for C/C++ language.
# In this project, I preferred Linux style. I created an alias for ease of using.
alias indent='indent -nbad -bap -nbc -bbo -hnl -br -brs -c33 -cd33 -ncdb -ce
-ci4 -cli0 -d0 -di1 -nfc1 -i8 -ip0 -l80 -lp -npcs -nprs -npsl -sai -saf -saw
-ncs -nsc -sob -nfca -cp33 -ss -ts8 -il1'

Visit for more styles.


# clears all compiled files. (must be ran under main directory)
rm */ans
# compile source code.
gcc main.c -o ans
# get task content from terminal.
curl "https://projecteuler.net/minimal=${PROJECT_ID}" | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' > task.md
# List all c files.
ls */*.c | awk '{print $1}'