
Won't parse emoji

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I placed emoji_for_jekyll.rb and emoji.json into _plugins.
In _config.yaml I added emoji: true. In a post I edited the text and added :smile: into it. When using jekyll build then it gets not changed to a img element.
What am I doing wrong?
I am using the latest version of that plugin from here and jekyll is version jekyll 3.1.6.

You can view the page at: https://github.com/wirehack7/capsop.com

Hi @wirehack7,

Sorry it took me a while to respond. Can you please check again? I tested on https://github.com/wirehack7/capsop.com/blob/master/_posts/2015-09-19-irc-driven-botnet.markdown and it seems to be working.


Okay works, another plugin interrupted it. The interrupting plugin was jekyll-minifier.
Thank you!

Cool, good to hear that! I'll investigate why it doesn't work with jekyll-minifier.