File Path issue with servr::jekyll
Closed this issue · 6 comments
When converting from Rmd -> md files the file path for figures is missing a /
this does not occur when calling servr::jekyll() from an R session, however if one calls jekyll serve from bash, one cannot find the image.
looking at the md file I notice this:
![plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1](/mysitefigure/source/2016-04-17-test/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png)
whereas the code should read:
![plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1](/mysite/figure/source/2016-04-17-test/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png)
If I manually change the md file, this issue goes away
If one changes the base url in _config.yml to "/mysite/" it works, but I believe that this is not correct (jekyll serve now says Server address:
You didn't bring a minimal reproducible example, so all I can do is guess, and my guess is you didn't set the option correctly, e.g. you should
knitr::opts_knit$set(base.url = '/mysite/')
and for some reason, you probably ended up with
knitr::opts_knit$set(base.url = '/mysite')
i specify the base url in the _config.yml file, which is read by build.R
according to the example supplied by jekyll, the baseurl in _config.yml should not include the final /
#baseurl: /path/to/blog
#baseurl: /path/to/blog/
however I believe that this issue may be with the build.R script in your other repo here, and not in this repo. sorry.
Okay, I'll fix the _config.yml in the other repo. Thanks!
I don't know much about servr, knitr, jekyll, etc., but this problem is preventing me from publishing my blog, so I tried the following and it didn't help:
on line 91 of dynamic.R, pass in argument paste0(baseurl, '/')
as the baseurl
parameter, instead of local variable baseurl
Just mentioning this in case it is helpful to those who know more about the situation than I do.
I also noticed the build_jekyll
function is never called.
OK, I made a very kludgey patch, but it does work....