servr::rmdv2 is blocking ?
statquant opened this issue · 1 comments
statquant commented
Hello, I might have misunderstood but it seems running servr::rmdv2(host = "", browser = FALSE, daemon = TRUE)
is blocking the terminal it has been run in.
The following repex blocks when wait: TRUE
(sorry I do not know how to escape the ` properly in github)
Is it normal behavior, I would expect the kniting to be done on a background thread ?
title: "My First R Markdown Document"
author: "Author: Your Name"
date: "Last update: `r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
output: html_document
wait: TRUE
\```{r, echo = params$wait, eval = params$wait}
Good bye
I run R 4.0.2
on centos7
I've made the following video to illustrate
yihui commented
Knitting is done in another R session via system2('Rscript', c('-e', 'rmarkdown::render("input.Rmd")'))
, which blocks your current R session.