
A Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Project

Primary LanguagePython

Multi User Blog

New Feature (2017.7.25): UI has been remade! ​:sparkler:​

1. How to use the file:

a. Download Google App Engine SDK. b. open the command line, direct to the folder where main.py is. c. Execute dev_appserver.py .in command line.

2. Structure:

a: In the Handler folder, there are many classes. Each of them except Handler deals with a request. b: The Handler class stores functions that include jinja template methods to render a page. Also it includes different helper functions including authentication functions. c: In the Model folder, there are classes that deals with data structures including Account, Comment and Message. Each of them refers to a spcecific database that can let the user update information.

3. Authentication:

user password (or cookie)
Interface user(original) password(original)
Database user(original) hashed[user(original)+password(original)]+salt0
Cookie - hashed{user(original)+hashed[user(original)+password(original)+salt0]}+salt1