
Visualization of tree

gb5256 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello out there. First of all: thanks for this extensions. This is awesome.
I am currently using jstree-nested-behaviour, but that code is a mess.
Yours here look so much better.

I do have one question: What do you guys use to visualize the tree?
Dynatree? Jstree? Something else?
Both have their pros and cons (my fav is dynatree and feed it with a JSON ).
Do you have suggestions?


I'm a beginner regarding Yii so I'm not sure if this helps you.

For a simple display of the tree I use CTreeView from Yii...
Like described here:

For Admin Issues I use QTreeGridView:

It is in russian, but with google translate you can get it working pretty fast.


Check out @cornernote's http://cornernote.github.io/yii-menu-module/ for a sample implemetation of a nested set tree visualization