Please update to enable CodeSniffer v3
axtho opened this issue · 11 comments
Currently it breaks your implementation:
HP Fatal error: Interface 'PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff' not found in ./vendor/yiisoft/yii2-coding-standards/Yii2/Sniffs/Files/SpacesAroundConcatSniff.php on line 13
Maybe up that to another version so that the v2.x implementations of CodeSniffer still work?
I have an open PR #32 that addresses this issue.
For now (until the code gets migrated) I think it would be best to clamp the version in composer.json to "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": ">=2.3.1 <3.0"
What is the status of this? Is the PR merged?
No. It is not. The version is fixed so codesniffer can't update to v3.
Got it. Thanks
I hope Official to upgrade to support PHPCodeSniffer v3 too.
Can this get merged or project is not maintained anymore?
@urosgruber the pull request is w/ issues so wasn't merged. Do you want to fix it and test it properly? Then we'll merge.
I was asking because we're looking to use Codeclimate integration. It's still only for v2 mostly because of plugins not being upgraded to v3. Also I'm on Symfony so I would spend to much time properly fixing this plugin and testing it as I'm not familiar with yii framework.
Well, can't merge a solution with known issues.
I understand. Just needed confirmation about the status of this so we know how to proceed