
Can a default sendFrom address be called by updating the configuration file?

developedsoftware opened this issue · 11 comments

At the moment whenever we create a message we have to call setFrom() to set the send from address.

I understand the need for this but could we not have a fallback email - set in the mailer component - to use if setFrom() is not set.

For example a noreply@somedomain email configured at application level

@developedsoftware Do you mean this?

    'class' => \yii\symfonymailer\Mailer::class,
    'messageConfig' => [
        'from' => ['noreply@somedomain' => 'noreply'],
    'transport' => [],

@developedsoftware talk to me, I miss you :-)

Awesome, thank you.

I will add and close if it works. I assume this means it can be overriden still?

Awesome, thank you.

I will add and close if it works. I assume this means it can be overriden still?


Hmm, this doesnt appear to make any difference. The message is not configured as per the messageConfig above.

Any ideas?

Screenshot 2022-07-13 at 16 00 34

As you can see it doesnt appear to be configuring the component

@developedsoftware can you show how you configured mailer ?

Sure its this - have replaced the email for obvioius reasons (and made the friendly name the same as the email for the sake of this)

'mailer' => [
            'class' => 'yii\\symfonymailer\\Mailer',
            'messageConfig' => [
                'from' => [
                    'myemail@mydomain.com' => 'myemail@mydomain.com'
            'transport' => [
                'dsn' => 'sendmail://default'
            'useFileTransport' => false

Are you sure that "class' => 'raptly\symfonymailer\Mailer" is not modified? Is it extends \yii\mail\BaseMailer ?

Sorry thats a class alias. It should be yii.

Would you expect that to work. If so can re-test and post steps to reproduce here? Its almost like messageConfig is being ignored.

Hi @Krakozaber apologies it was a change in an extended class! That works absolutely perfectly. Thank you for your help (and patience)