how to use?
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Project Browser Right CabinIcarus/IcSkillSystem/Group
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SurvivalShooter-IcSkillSystem can't run on unity 2019.3f1
@Liaoer What error did you encounter? Send a screenshot, I've been busy recently,No time to look at the computer
git submodule update
error: no such remote ref 567ee2abb7629fa9a661582e59c80d9329b3cdad
Fetched in submodule path 'NPBehave', but it did not contain 567ee2abb7629fa9a661582e59c80d9329b3cdad. Direct fetching of that commit failed
master branch?
@Liaoer yes,You can also delete and re-clone. I have fixed this problem in previous commits.
@yika-aixi checkout to Cabin_Icarus
@Liaoer Please do not manually update submodules by yourself, the master branch, the commits used by submodules are relatively old, use git command "git submodule update --init"
This is a simple getting started tutorial,
@yika-aixi tks. it works.