
about the memory

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Hi, thanks for your source code. However, when I run the 1-shot code in two GTX 1080 Ti parallel, it still occurs "CUDA error: out of memory", what I can do is to change the numbers of "train-way" and "query", but I am afraid the results would be dropped. So, could you give me some advice when I just have two GTX1080 Ti? And how many of your GPUs when you run this source code? Thanks a lot!

Hi. I trained the model with one GTX-1080 Ti, if I remember correctly.
And I have just improved the memory usage in train.py and test.py, you could have a try if it works better.

Thanks for your replay! yes, you are right, and I run your source code again, and it doesn't occur any error. So I am wonder if you could tell me the details of "how you improved the memory usage" ? because my code is just imitated yours, but when I run it, it always occur "cuda error: out of memory", and I know the bug is in the for loop of
"for i, batch in enumerate(val_loader, 1):"
but when I have checked my code with yours, I can't discover any differences. I would be very appreciated if you could offer me more information of how to improve the memory usage. Thank you again!

You are welcome.
I just added proto = None; logits = None; loss = None to the end of each loop, so that gradient graph will be cleared before next loop.

Sorry to disturb you, but I just want to share you with my bug. I have found that what caused my GPU memory surged is in this part of my own code :
I mistakenly wrote "vl.add(loss)" without the ".item()"

Sorry to disturb you, but I just want to share you with my bug. I have found that what caused my GPU memory surged is in this part of my own code :
I mistakenly wrote "vl.add(loss)" without the ".item()"

Thanks, that is indeed a common bug :D