
Unable to reproduce on custom video

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I followed the Colab tutorial and could get it running. I am now trying to do the same on a custom video and audio. When fine-tuning audio net, we do

!cd Audio/code/; python train_19news_1.py 32 0

When I run this I get

32 lack frame0.mat
32 lack frame1.mat
32 lack frame2.mat
32 lack frame298.mat
32 lack frame299.mat
not all 300 frames are reconstructed successfully

My video is called 32.mp4 and I used ffmpeg to make sure it is 25 fps. Other than that I haven't modified anything in the notebook. Where is it going wrong?

Also, if anyone was able to reproduce it on a custom video, do share the notebook

@dipam7 Were you able to reproduce it on their video?

@prajwaljpj No I wasn't able to