
"Google tag" has replaced the "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration" tag

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm attempting to set up this extension following the tutorial

In the section under Google Tag Manager it says:

In the Container Workspace, under Tags, create a new Tag. As Tag Configuration type, choose Google Analytics > GA4 Configuration. Fill in the Google Analytics Measurement ID (starting with G-). Keep the Send a page view event when this configuration loads option checked. Make sure to trigger this tag on all pages with the All pages trigger.

However, Google recently changed how this all works so there is no longer a "GA4 Configuration" type. Instead, they have moved to a "Google Tag" https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/13543899?hl=en

It looks like Google has already migrated people to this new configuration, if you've already set it up.

Could someone who has a working configuration look at how it is now done in Google tag manager and update the tutorial? On the old configuration there was just a checkbox for "Send a page view event when this configuration loads" but now it looks like you have to define a configuration key, I think it might be send_page_view = true?

Thanks for posting this. As the maintainer of this project (and the writer of this Magento module) I'll just leave this ticket open until others are able to confirm the right settings. I'm not a Google Tag Manager expert, I'm only a Magento expert - so I will know just as much as you do after reading the Google docs :(