
Example of log framework usage

Primary LanguageJava

Simple log framework demo.

Shows common usage example of log4j2 + slf4j

Usage in 3 steps

Step1-Add log4j library dependencies (log4j-api)


<!-- log4j2 -->

Step2-Create log configuration file

Three tags are commonly used

1-properties -> define variables
2-Appenders -> define reference of log type and setting
3-Loggers -> define seperate log level + appenders

Step3-Use SLF4j for log framework interface

Benefit: this facade help us to not include log implementation inside source code.

FAQ Q1-What’s difference between log4j and log4j2
artifact version number 1.x vs 2.x

Q2-How to install log4j2 instead of log4j
Use newer version with 2

Q3-What happen if we didn’t provide log configuration file
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found.

Make sure you log config file is at src/main/resources
Also clean targets/ via sbt clean fix the problem for me.

Is it’s runtime we can provide argument for log config file location

Q4-What’s SLF
Simple Logging Facade for JAVA.
Static binding log framework implementation via bridge jar

Example Slf4j + log4j

Q5-What’s status attribute in log4j2 Configuration xml tag?

Q6-What’s filter usage in log4j

Reference R1-log4j2 support .properties file after version 2.4


R3-FAQ in log4j offical page