
Option to delete files after successful conversion

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Right now the raw data is kept on the machine where the GUI runs also after the user converted the data. So the machine won't run out of storage, the user should have an option to delete the data after the conversion is done. I don't think it should be done by default (as the user might want to observe the resulting BIDS dataset, and if there are problems, press the back-button in the browser to repeat the conversion), but an option to do that would be useful.

The same is true for the files in _convert: we might keep them until the user is happy with the conversion, but when she/he approves, they can be deleted. Right now these files are not really needed after they are zipped, but maybe in future versions of the GUI, the user will be able to browse them to verify the conversion was correct.

And regarding the files saved in _temp, those should be deleted after the .zip is downloaded (is there any way for the server to know if the download was successful)?