Daily Focus TODO

Hello BrainStation! Here is my solution to the to-do app coding challenge. I call it Daily Focus TODO because it's designed for listing things you need to get done each day.

Try it yourself by clicking here (the link goes to my Heroku app).

What it does and what you can do with it

  • Add a Todo item
  • List Todo items
  • Toggle Todo items as complete using a checkbox
  • Completed Todo items are greyed out with a strikethrough line through them
  • A "Clear Complete" button removes all Todos that are marked as completed (this button is disabled if no Todos are done)
  • A filter that will display All/Incomplete/Complete todos based on what option is selected.

Focus on usability

After completing the minimum requirements, I decided to put a lot of focus and effort into usability and UI. This is because I wanted to make something I would want to use personally.

You'll notice that, for example:

  • I used Twitter Bootstrap and some custom CSS to make the app look pretty.
  • You don't have to click the checkbox to complete an item. You can click anywhere on the item (more technical discussion about this below).
  • On your laptop or desktop, once you enter a to-do item's content, you can just press Enter to add it to the list.
  • I designed this for both my phones (iPhone 5S and Pixel) and laptop in mind, so you'll notice that the width of the app might seem somewhat narrow on a computer. I should ideally make it responsive, but for now, changing the zoom setting on your browser (Cmd and + or Ctrl and +) should make it easier to use the app.

Ideas for future improvement

  • To-do items should be editable.
  • Add counts for in-progress and complete tasks for extra motivation.
  • Maybe add a unique ID for each item for more performance, if it becomes an issue in in the future (technical discussion below).
  • Maybe add an undo/redo function.
  • Extract different mode strings ('all', 'active', and 'complete') into either enum or class constants for more robust code.
  • Extract the mode switching module into a React class for more readability and simplicity of the code.
  • Keep the state of the app when the user closes the tab (maybe just store it in a cookie so we don't have to implement backend code).

Technical discussions

Class structure

I have three React classes in the app:

  • App, which is the main class
  • Item, which is the view for each to-do item
  • NewToDoForm

I did not put the "clear complete" button in a separate class because the code for it is fairly simple. The same goes for the mode switching buttons (Active, In Progress, and Completed).

Data structure

The to-do items are stored in App as an array of objects, as in:

[{content: 'TODO Item 1', status: 'active'},
{content: 'TODO Item 2', status: 'complete'}, ...]

I chose this structure for simplicity and efficiency (rather than storing this as an array of React objects). I opted to store this in App because App needs to be able to update it as the user takes actions.

When a user clicks one of the checkboxes, we know which one they clicked through its index in the array. I thought of adding a unique ID separately, but using the array index as each item's unique ID seems to lead to simpler implementation here.

Since we don't have a manually-generated unique key for each item, React gives us a warning. Fixing this issue will be for future improvement, especially if performance becomes a problem.


I designed this app so that each state variable is immutable. I decided to do this in case I want to implement an undo/redo function later, as well as for performance. (I'm not familiar with the exact technical reason for this, but I read that immutable objects are easier to keep track of: https://facebook.github.io/react/tutorial/tutorial.html#why-immutability-is-important)

Clicking on checkbox vs. list item

As I mentioned above, you can click on either a checkbox or a list item to complete an item. So, I have two separate handlers for this, but perhaps the click handler on a list item alone is enough, since when I click on the checkbox, both of these handlers are called. I kept both of these handlers just in case it is possible for a user to change the content of a checkbox without "clicking" it, but I'm not sure if it is possible.

Try it yourself by clicking here (the link goes to my Heroku app).