
Missing jvm.dll

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I was working on a project about a week ago where I was killing w10wheel, replacing the files, and restarting it (automating updates), and after doing this several times, it suddenly wouldn't launch anymore, giving me an error that jvm.dll was missing. I had to download and install the JRE to get it working again. What's really strange about this is that it's not even included with w10wheel. I have no idea what exactly happened to break it, and it's certainly a unique situation, but I wonder if this file should be included since it's required, to prevent the need to download and install JRE just for it if there's ever an issue.

Are you using the "legacy" W10Wheel which is based on Java, or this version W10Wheel.net which is based on .NET?
For the former version (which is this repo where you opened this issue), you just need .NET (see main page) and not JVM :)

ykon commented

The exewrap is still out of date, so updating it may fix it.

The Java version is not as functionally different as legacy, but the .NET version has a higher priority.
Recently, I've been busy changing jobs, so I haven't been able to maintain this.

Good call. I was setting up an auto-check for and download and update new version and accidentally grabbed the legacy version. Closing this issue, and thanks!