
Quasi quotation of C99 syntax using Template Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Meta C - Quasi-quotation of ANSI C99 syntax

Writing C is a labor, but writing Haskell causes you fever.

Let's generate real world codes by statically typed code generator, using Template Haskell.


Each of the following quasi-quotations convert the inside string into an abstract syntax tree data type defined in Language.Meta.C99.AST.

  • Translation unit [c| ... |]

  • Statements [cs| ... |]

  • Expression [ce| ... |]

Every AST data types is an instance of Show.


import Language.Meta.C99.Quote

-- Translation unit [c| ... |]
translation_unit :: String
translation_unit = show [c|
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    printf("hello world!\n");

    return 0;

-- Statements [cs| ... |]
statements :: String
statements = show [cs|
    while (1) {
        printf("hello world!\n");

-- Expression [ce| ... |]
expression :: String
expression = show [ce| x * y * z |]


Quoted string can have anti-quotes in the following formats.

  • ${} takes a String variable

  • ${<exp>} executes arbitrary haskell expression of type String

Replacement targets are statements, expressions, external declarations, part of identifiers, and inside of string literals.


> :t [ce| x + ${} |]
[ce| x + ${} |] :: [Char] -> Language.Meta.C99.AST.Exp
> [ce| x + ${} |] "y"
x + y
> :t  [ce| ${} + ${} |]
[ce| ${} + ${} |]
  :: String -> String -> Language.Meta.C99.AST.Exp
> [ce| ${} + ${} |] "x" "y"
x + y
> [ce| x + ${"y"} |]
x + y
> [cs| foo_${}(); |] "bar"
> [ce| printf("${show [1,2,3,4]}\n") |]


  • Preprocessing is not performed in quoted strings. This means macros for syntax modification could not be parsed.
#define LOOP(i, n) for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)

LOOP(i, 10) {
    // parse error
  • Comments inside a statement or decalaration causes parse error.
int /* parse error */ x;

struct x {
    int x; // parse error
  • Context-sensitive portion of grammers will not be parsed appropriately.
typedef int x;

x * x; // either expression (x * x) or declaration (int *x)

x(y); // either function call (x(y)) or declaration (int (y))

However, those kind of misinterpretations do not really matter when you only concern about their literal representations.

  • Quasi-quotations could not be nested inside an anti-quotation.
code = [c| int x = ${ show [ce| x * x |] }; |] -- quotes can not be nested here
  • Trigraph/Digraph is not supported (who knows).


C99 (ISO/IEC 9899:TC3)
