Pinned issues
- 10
Low GPU Utilization during training
#217 opened - 5
weird pulse at the end of the model
#216 opened - 1
StyleTTS2 Training for vietnamese
#215 opened - 1
Wrong kernel sizes in the JDC model
#214 opened - 0
- 4
- 6
error in first train gen loss=0.0
#206 opened - 3
- 5
Same voice with different emotion
#203 opened - 1
Voice Quality issue using Librispeech
#201 opened - 2
Finetune duration_proj return NaN
#200 opened - 1
Understanding Style tts training process
#198 opened - 27
- 4
- 5
- 4
Chinese data
#188 opened - 1
OOD data for LibriTTS-460 training?
#187 opened - 1
- 4
- 2
Preparing text and data
#182 opened - 1
Finetuning kernel size issue
#180 opened - 1
- 10
- 6
- 1
#176 opened - 6
stage1 training issue
#175 opened - 4
Speech-to-speech possible?
#174 opened - 7
Stage 2 training bug (after joint training)
#171 opened - 2
An Error From LJspeech Dataset
#170 opened - 1
Using a smaller Hifigan
#168 opened - 5
Some of FineTuning has this error
#167 opened - 1
Noise on long sentences
#165 opened - 0
Testing foundation layer needed!
#163 opened - 4
Current code doesn't work with hifigan
#161 opened - 1
styletts2 inference pip package
#160 opened - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
Solutions to punctuation pause problems
#153 opened - 2
- 3
How do I change default voices?
#149 opened - 4
how to generate text sequence ?
#148 opened - 4
the size of tensor a (251) must match the size of tensor b (51) at non-singleton dimension 2
#147 opened - 6
- 0
a typo in
#145 opened - 3
Fine Tuning fails on multi GPU
#143 opened - 7
- 3
- 15
- 1