
Iterations aren't reseted after the first usage

GCorbel opened this issue · 1 comments

When we use an iterable, the first time we have the complete list of results but the next time we have only the last page. Here is an example :

responses = SurveyGizmo::API::Survey.first(id: 90063118).responses # => #<Enumerator: ...>
responses.count # => 558
responses.count # => 8

As you can see, the first time we have 558 results but the second time we have only 8. I suppose we always want to have all the results. The simple solution is to store the result with a .to_a but this is just a work around.


Yep this is not good, it should either stop returning anything and force you to create another iterator or reset and start from scratch (that's a bit more tricky when you iterate one by one, you don't want to go in an infinite loop ^^)