
Difficulty setting

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently the game just starts easy and progressively gets harder. Would it make sense to just have a difficulty setting that somehow determines the complexity of the level?


  • Have the difficulty level either determine the grid size and/or the number of random toggles the game does to initialize the level.
  • Have a level cap for each difficulty. Lets say there are 50 levels for "Easy", maybe 100 for "Hard". Players have a sense of accomplishment when they see they've beaten all the "Easy" levels.
  • Maybe have a hidden difficulty that is only playable when you beat all the levels under the hardest difficult. Unlock a "Hardcore" mode when they player beats all levels under "Hard".

added a new-game configuration dialog with options for grid type and difficulty. Closed by 458cbbb. Closed by 458cbbb.