
HotWax Commerce shopify Bopis App

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Shopify BOPIS PDP App

Firebase Hosting

We are using firebase hosting for the Pre-order app deployment Here are the steps to deploy app on firebase hosting


  • Firebase Cli should be installed
  • Firebase project should be created
  • You should have access to firebase project

Dev deployment

  • Update the DEV instance url at .env.production file

  • Build the application using following command ionic build

  • Login into firebase firebase login

  • Run following command to deploy to firebase hosting firebase deploy --only hosting:sm-dev

How to build application in different environment or modes(staging, production, qa, etc)?

As there is a bug in Ionic cli due to which we cannot pass flag variables for commands (See #4669). To build application in different modes we need to use vue-cli-service to build and then use the built app using capacitor copy command further.

Follow following instructions:

  1. Manually build the application using vue-cli-service: npx vue-cli-service build --mode=sandbox

  2. Copy web assets to the native project without building the app: ionic capacitor copy ios --no-build

  3. Open the Android Studio / XCode project: ionic capacitor open android
    ionic capacitor open ios

How to build script:

npm run build

Requirements when installing the app on a store:

  • Need to have a div with class name product-form__controls-group--submit
  • Need the store insance url on which the app needs to be installed
  • Need the instance url for fetching the inventory information

To Do:

  • Create a wrapper in hc for the shopify admin API, so to call the API directly from front-end.
  • Currently, hardcoded the variant that we are adding to the cart but need to update this when we will fetching the variant information directly using Shopify API.
  • Design a UI to get the instance url of the store on which the app needs to be installed.
  • Design a UI to get the instance url for fetching the inventory information.
  • Show the add to cart popup on click of the pick up button


  • We are using the script tag API to insert out script in a specific store Advantage: Using script API will help to remove the script automatically whenever the app is unistalled from store.
  • Using the 'dev-hc.hotwax.io/api/checkInventory' endpoint to fetch the inventory information, it returns the facilityId which is then added to the cart item properties when adding the product to the cart.


  • Added a button, using which we fetch the stores information and check for stock availability
  • Inserted a div with a fixed height
  • Displaying the information in the div and making it scrollable
  • Added another button, using which customer can add an item in the cart having a facilityId


  • Script for the bopis app is hosted on the demo-hc instance
  • CSS required for the app is directly inserted in the theme.scss.liquid file in the shopify store

Links for reference