
Docker container to run git-hours - a tool to estimate time spent on a git repository

MIT LicenseMIT


Docker Automated build

Build Status


Dockerfile to create a Docker container image for git-hours.

Git-hours is a tool to estimate time spent on a git repository.

Getting started


Automated builds of the image are available on Dockerhub and is the recommended method of installation.

docker pull ymajik/git-hours:latest

Alternatively you can build the image yourself.

docker build -t ymajik/git-hours .


Start git-hours in the directory you want to count. It must be in the same directory where the '.git' dir is located:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/code ymajik/git-hours


To upgrade to newer releases:

  1. Download the updated Docker image:
docker pull ymajik/git-hours:latest
  1. Remove the container
docker rm -v git-hours
  1. Use the updated image
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/code ymajik/git-hours