
Virtual Y: Archived logs do not record the name of content viewed

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The current version of Virtual Y's logging does not include Content Title information in the exported log file.

Repro Steps

  • Sign into a Virtual Y site migrated to the latest version (VY YCloud 0.12.1), such as Kenosha (https://kenoshaymca.y.org/) as of 8/18/2021.
  • View the activity recorded in the online logs at Manage > Virtual Y > Logs.
  • Create a new log export to capture today's activity to CSV.
  • View the same timeframe as viewed online in the CSV file.
  • Note the column labeled "Content Title" contains no title data.


  • Log into the Carnation sandbox site (https://sandbox-carnation-std-virtual-y.openy.org/) with Open Y Virtual YMCA Log module enabled.
  • Perform activity.
  • View that activity at Manage > Virtual Y > Logs.
  • Export that day's activity to a file.
  • View the file and note the missing Content Titles.

Refer to the following attachments:

This has been QA'd and added to the master test plan. https://openy.atlassian.net/browse/PRODDEV-421 - this will be included in the 1.5.1 point release.

@TomScarboroughYMCA this was included in the point release on 9/7. I'm closing this ticket.