
Getting song's MD5

Closed this issue · 2 comments

If I'm not mistaken, the method song.getListData does not give song's MD5 anymore breaking the script a little bit. Maybe there is an alternative way of getting it...

yne commented

The server is returning the MD5 just fine.


Are you sure your song.getListData request was authenticated with a fresh SID ?

You can still use dzr-db to get the MD5 without being authenticated:

# assuming dzr binaries are in your $PATH
dzr-db 131421414 | xargs dzr | mpv -

Thank you for the reply! Yes, the problem probably was that I was using a day old SID that was already expired. Using that, the server responded with completely sensible info about the song but the field MD5_ORIGIN was missing. Now I tried with a fresh SID as you suggested and MD5_ORIGIN was there. So this was a non-issue and I apologize for opening that.

I wanted to use my own SID because the song was not in the database.

Thanks again and all the best to you.