
Add seasons and teams_id to player query

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, and thanks a lot for your work!

I miss one major functionnality in your api.
It's impossible (or I don't find how...) to get roster of a team, and for a season.

Is it possible to add parameters to the player query, like other queries ?
For example : https://www.balldontlie.io/api/v1/players?team_ids[]=14&seasons[]=2019

Thank you !

I agree that this information would be a good push in the right direction. To accomplish any kind of player or team performance analysis it's imperative that the entire team be evaluated collectively. I believe there is two sides to the growth of this project:

  1. Getting access to usable data by adjusting the database and API solution.
  2. Growing the data such that it can be used for analysis and providing solutions.

That said, I do believe there will be a need to get data in other locations until this project becomes more robust.

I believe the NBA has an API that will provide what you are seeking. Some of the data in that solution is free to access and does not require a key. There has been a project on github that has been documented all of the endpoints if you are interested in looking at it.


In your request for a roster, I saw this specific endpoint that MIGHT help.

CommonTeamRoster: https://github.com/swar/nba_api/blob/master/docs/nba_api/stats/endpoints/commonteamroster.md