
Overzealous save picture stripping breaks custom menus

Opened this issue · 2 comments

As a reasonable anticheat measure, pictures are stripped from YNOProject saves when loading to prevent people from loading in invalid synced pictures. However, this also applies to unsynced pictures, which breaks custom menus related to saving such as the computers in 2kki and Uneven Dream as well as potentially the book in Collective Unconscious.
The code should be modified to only strip synced pictures, checking both synced IDs (if they are ever used) and filenames.

While having this kind of system would work to stop people from using modified saves to do weird things, this wouldn't stop the main issue: custom map files and a custom database file can easily be provided by an user to circumvent such practices, making the anticheat save load useless in practice to prevent cheating.
Furthermore, having such a method of anticheat could cause issues by breaking the menus, like you mentioned, but would also need to not cause conflicts with how this kind of data is stored to make the savefile be compatible with offline RPG_RT versions of the games. This means that the only content that should be altered from your save should be right after load, and not when saving.

Since this got reported several times for Collective Unconscious, I did a full check on how this problem affects the games on the site when loading a save:

  • Yume Nikki and .flow lack their circle overlay, fixed once the desk/bed is left

  • Yume 2kki lacks the wallpaper set by the user, fixed by leaving the computer or going in some menus (ignore the sheep)

  • Uneven Dream lacks the whole wallpaper UI, making it near impossible to navigate in the PC without closing it or knowing where everything is

  • Someday and Amillusion display for some seconds the protagonist at their computer without being on the chair before showing the loading picture

  • Braingirl lacks the circle overlay for some seconds

  • Mikan Muzou doesn't display the SE adjusting picture though it is set to disappear after a few seconds

  • She Awaits doesn't display Noelia on her chair for a few seconds

  • Collective Unconscious doesn't display the book menu without leaving the book or going to another page

Deep Dreams, Answered Prayers, Muma|Rope, Dream Genie, Ultra Violet, Oversomnia and Yume Tsushin are left unaffected by this issue.