
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

To-Do List Web Application with Monitoring Dashboard


This project aims to deliver a user-friendly To-Do List Web Application coupled with a robust Monitoring Dashboard powered by Prometheus and Grafana. Bridging the gap between task management and performance insights, the application provides a seamless experience for users.


  • Web Application:

    • Minimalistic To-Do List designed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Server-side logic implemented with Node.js and Express.
    • Registration, authentication, task management, and user-specific routes.
    • Integration of SQLite database for data storage and retrieval.
  • Monitoring Dashboard:

    • Utilizes Prometheus for basic metric collection.
    • Grafana visualizes metrics on an intuitive dashboard.
    • Deployment orchestrated with Docker Compose.
    • Clear deployment steps documented for Node Exporter, Prometheus, and Grafana.

Deployment Steps

  1. Node Exporter:

    • Ensure Docker Compose is installed.
    • Create Docker volume for Node Exporter.
    • Copy the content from node-exporter/docker-compose.yml to the stack web editor in Portainer.
    • Deploy the stack.
  2. Prometheus:

    • Create Docker volume for Prometheus data.
    • Run Prometheus container with Docker Compose.
    • Check Node Exporter status at http://localhost:9090.
  3. Grafana:

    • Create Docker volume for Grafana data.
    • Run Grafana container with Docker Compose.
    • Access Grafana at http://localhost:3000.
    • Login with credentials: admin/admin.
    • Configure Prometheus data source: http://IP:9090.
    • Import the dashboard with ID 1860.

Database Integration

The application leverages an SQLite database for robust data storage. Two tables, 'users' and 'tasks,' capture user credentials and task-related information, respectively. The integration ensures data consistency and persistence.

Challenges Faced

During the realization of this project, several challenges were encountered, including:

  • Code Instrumentation:

    • Overcoming technical challenges in instrumenting the code for metric collection.
    • Addressing dependencies on external libraries.
  • User Authentication:

    • Ensuring secure user authentication with hashed passwords.
    • Implementing session management for a seamless user experience.
  • Deployment Configuration:

    • Configuring Docker Compose for seamless deployment of the entire stack.
    • Ensuring persistent data storage with Docker volumes.


Despite the encountered challenges, the project successfully delivers a comprehensive solution, seamlessly integrating task management with performance monitoring. The combination of a minimalistic To-Do List Web Application and an insightful Monitoring Dashboard creates a harmonious user experience.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.