
Missing "types"/"typings": "./types/index.d.ts" in package.json

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks so much for this great package! @jakemhiller and now I are using it and enjoying it.

One small note about the TypeScript types: because they're at ./types/index.d.ts, which isn't the ./index.d.ts TypeScript tries by default, they can't be found by TypeScript projects by default. Adding this line to the package.json would fix that:

"types": "./types/index.d.ts"

Without it (for SEO on this issue), you get:

cy.wait('@someApi').interceptFormData((formData) => {
// Property 'interceptFormData' does not exist on type 'Chainable<Interception>'.

@JoshuaKGoldberg thanks! I was sure I'd added it 🤦