
PDF::Reader::ObjectHash.get_page_objects: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

bcoles opened this issue · 3 comments

This error is by far the most frequently encountered error during fuzzing.

crashes/20220417055748989526710_crash_497.pdf.trace-1-undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
crashes/20220417055748989526710_crash_497.pdf.trace:2:/var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/pdf-reader-2.9.2/lib/pdf/reader/object_hash.rb:576:in `get_page_objects'


I have not investigated the root cause. I have no idea how realistic this issue is outside of fuzzing. However, fixing this issue would significantly reduce the fuzzer output. This would speed up fuzzing and save disk space by not having to write the crash file and output to disk.

The surrounding code raises MalformedPDFError but these code paths are frequently missed.

# returns an array of object references for all pages in this object store. The ordering of
# the Array is significant and matches the page ordering of the document
def get_page_objects(obj)
derefed_obj = deref_hash(obj)
if derefed_obj.nil?
raise MalformedPDFError, "Expected Page or Pages object, got nil"
elsif derefed_obj[:Type] == :Page
elsif derefed_obj[:Kids]
kids = deref_array(derefed_obj[:Kids]) || []
kids.map { |kid|
raise MalformedPDFError, "Expected Page or Pages object"

yob commented

woah, spooky. This was just converted to a MalformedPDFError by #457

yob commented

If you can confirm #457 fixes the crash for you in fuzzing, I'll close this issue.

If you can confirm #457 fixes the crash for you in fuzzing, I'll close this issue.

Re-running the fuzzer now. This issue appears to have been resolved.

user@ubuntu:~/Desktop/pdf-reader$ grep get_page_objects crashes/*.trace | wc -l

There would usually have been hundreds or thousands of these crashes by now.

user@ubuntu:~/Desktop/pdf-reader$ grep get_page_objects crashes.1/*.trace | wc -l
user@ubuntu:~/Desktop/pdf-reader$ grep get_page_objects crashes.2/*.trace | wc -l
