Cause logic error by repeatedly applying "hard".
LinasKo opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm adapting this for a tiny project of mine, and as far as I see, a logic error can consistently be caused by generating a few cards, and then only picking "hard" as an answer.
This seems to happen in applyToLearningCardState
, with an end state of rating = "hard"
and prev.consecutiveCorrect = 1
I think I found it.
Line 38 in 5a833fd
In pseudocode, it essentially boils down to:
if (isGood || isHard) && not isConsecutive:
repeat card
Looking at the anki flowchart in, it seems what was meant may have been:
I think what was meant was:
if isHard || (isGood && not isConsecutive):
repeat card
In simpler words, if you remember the answer but are having trouble, it will treat it as a success (consecutive), but will make you repeat it until you're good at remembering it.
Note: this does fail the assumpition in types.ts
, that in LearningCardState,
consecutiveCorrect: number; // 0 <= consecutiveCorrect < 2, int