
Plugin Requests

Syrubun opened this issue · 18 comments

Can you please make an Unfriend and Guild Ban/Kick notifier? The one I had is not managed, the owner only updates when it has pull requests so keeping it up to date is unstable and unreliable.

Could you also make a message purger for DMs and servers so you can delete your messages from a specific server or person?

I can make the message purger if you can pay me :)

Would you maintain it if it breaks? What about the unfriend and server notifier?

Would you maintain it if it breaks? What about the unfriend and server notifier?

Yes I maintain all my plugins. And about notifer plugin I will think about it when I get back home after 2 days

What a great idea miss the old one that doesn't get any updates anymore

I notice my friends count going down sometimes and it bothers me not knowing who did it.

Pay me and I will make it

How much for both plugins

1k INR for each

So 12.50 USD basically for each? I'd feel bad paying that low, how about 35 USD

So 12.50 USD basically for each? I'd feel bad paying that low, how about 35 USD

Sure. I will share details for payment later
RN Gotta focus on studies

I have a big list of things I gotta buy first as well as pay off some artists I owe money too

I have a big list of things I gotta buy first as well as pay off some artists I owe money too

Yeah do that and add me on discord I will let you know when I can make the plugins and other details there only

@Lagomorpheus I want to warn you that a message purger has a very high chance of getting your account terminated. Deleting a lot of messages spams Discord's API and that could trigger the selfbot detection and get your account disabled.

The removal notifications are something I'm missing too. I also used GuildAndFriendRemovalAlerts and it was a great way to get notified of what events happen that apply to you.

Group removal notifications would be a good addition to the removal notifications plugin, so if the plugin is going to be written, consider adding this feature.

I'm aware of the risks of automatic message purging, but as long as it remains with API limits it will be fine, there was a plugin called MessageCleaner that did it safely before the developer gave up due to code changes and the browser based one called undiscord is still up.

Man's so rich that he basically offers almost three times the money that's been asked LOL

RDP8 commented

Can you please make an Unfriend and Guild Ban/Kick notifier? The one I had is not managed, the owner only updates when it has pull requests so keeping it up to date is unstable and unreliable.

Could you also make a message purger for DMs and servers so you can delete your messages from a specific server or person?


There goes 30$ anyways better than whatever I could have made so nice