
Articles, Blogs, Book Summaries, Papers, etc

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Repository for whatever-wherever I publish ie. my newspaper articles, sketchnotes, book summaries, talks notes, etc. More on, specifically, sketchnotes below, as it is IKIGAI, Specific Knowledge and USP for me, especially due to ChatGPT sketchnotes (Has about 1.8 million impressions/views)

Sketchnotes, Visual Summary (नवनीत दर्शन, भावार्थ दीपिका, सारचित्र )

Sketchnote is an abstraction, figuring out whats important and then mapping to appropriate symbolism, as a gist in a single page.

It is a one-page visual format that simplifies complex ideas, difficult concepts, threads, books, newsletter, podcast, YT video, and other long form content to make it faster and easier to consume.

Latest indulgence: Visual Summaries: Sketchnotes: One page summary, effective for audio (podcasts) and linear mediums like videos. At times good for random access mediums like articles or books also.

Plausible Role: Research Communicator, Explainer, Distiller -Chirs Olah

Why Sketchnotes?

What problem are you solving? Purpose?

  • Information overload
  • Less time & attention
  • Need ready & fun gist

So, 3 Ss: Simplify, Subtract & Summarize

नवनीत: eternally-new/butter(summary-सार, भावार्थ, अमृत) दर्शन: sight, enlightened visual manifestation (दीपिका)

Podcasts (or videos or talks and to an extent even books or blogs) are black-boxes. You don't get anything unless you go through them fully. There is no preview-trailer of what's coming, wasting our time in case the topic is not interesting to you. Even if it is interesting, you many not have time to go through all that story-built-up or flamboyance (all-that-jazz) to get the core idea. One pager Summary gives much desired quick and concise overview. Just a text summary can be boring, so adding fun-pictures helps retention and interest.

One caution though, as always a quote from Einstein: Make things simple but not simpler!! Try not to have very art-y, too much colorful, cluttered-spaghetti sketchnote, but clean sparingly arty and a bit colorful with a clear path or structure to read. Examples: not fan of a, b,c, d, but fine with a,b,c and these are better a, b


  • Watch video/podcasts, 1 hrs +
  • Go through source, take text notes
  • Capture ideas, core concepts, quotes
  • Post them in comments Utube, and save in repo
  • Prep Sketchnote w - Authors' cartoons at top and my email below [manual or digital way]
    • Colorful text figures, no markers
    • Title in banner and doodle bold
    • Mobile and email at the bottom in yellow cloud
  • Scan, store in repo, upload in LinkedIn post with @s of authers and #s and intro text, but no text summary and no Medium article link
  • Medium article w my witty title, nature pixabay-Unsplash, text-summary as initial content, sketchnote, add refs links and my interview link at the end. Medium Tags
    • Desi Stack: government technology ideas future --
    • Technology Hits: technology ideas sketchnote artificial intelligence --
    • Illumination: future advice ideas sketchnote diversity --
    • Illumination Summary Videos: summary sketchnote future advice
  • Save pdf in repo
  • Share the medium article in LinkedIn post as a 2nd comment
  • Add LinkedIn post and reader count to advocu if applicable

As it is extremely convenient for editing, storing and sharing, will be trying digital sketchnote now. So its Wacom tablet and Inkscape software.


  • Tools: [Pen/Pencils and paper/notebook] or [Inkscape]
  • Visual vocabulary: stick figures, letterings, faces, nature, buildings, things, flowcharts, graphs, 2d/3d, connectors, containers and layout.


Levels Rough Fair Comment
1 Paper Paper Correct in Fair
2 Paper Wacom Correct/Edit in Fair
3 - Wacom Edit in Fair
4 - Paper Cant edit/correct


For me: Fame-Freedom, Ikigai, "I am not looking for success, but, for Wonder!!", the WoW!!

Musings: Why Sketch-noting for Part II

Sources/Topics to work on
