
How to escape a nested code block?

madstap opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to write a markdown example that contains a code block, so I need to escape the three backticks. In github flavored markdown there seems to be 3 ways to do this, but none of them work with markdown-clj.

Examples: (See the raw text of this post in this gist)

Use 4 spaced indent

# Things!

(def x 10)

Use 3 tildes

# Things!

(def x 10)

Use 4 backticks

# Things!

(def x 10)

You can escape using the \ character, e.g:

(def x 10)

However, there isn't a way to escape that inside a code block, perhaps it would make sense to make the parser less aggressive about checking for code block start. Currently the ``` line is trimmed, but perhaps it shouldn't be.

using ~~~ as an alternative codeblock delimiter would work as well

just pushed out version 0.9.94 that supports ``` inside code indented with 4 spaces

looks like cryogen got updates, so I'll close this one