Transilien network

Carto style for rendering Transilien network.

## Install


Dependencies: postgres, postgis, osm2pgsql, mapnik 3.x, carto


  1. install dependencies
  2. create a postgis aware database
  3. download OSM data
  4. import osm data to db with osm2pgsql
  5. render map

Ubuntu 14.04 step by step

1. Install dependencies

sudo apt install postgresql-client-9.4 postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1 osm2pgsql

We need Mapnik 3.x version (because we use text-repeat-wrap-character). For this, follow the instructions in the mapnik wiki.

We need an up to date NodeJS: for this, follow the instructions in the NodeJS wiki.

To read the project, we'll use Kosmtik as carto wrapper. Install instructions are available on the Github README.

We will also need some Kosmtik plugins, so once in the kosmtik root, run:

node index.js plugins --install kosmtik-tiles-export
node index.js plugins --install kosmtik-mbtiles-export
node index.js plugins --install kosmtik-fetch-remote

We need to override some of the project configs to match our working environment, for example for the database credentials. For this, create a localconfig.js file in the root of the map project, with this content (adapt it to your needs):

exports.LocalConfig = function (localizer, project) {
    localizer.where('Layer').if({'Datasource.type': 'postgis'}).then({
        'Datasource.dbname': 'idf',
        'Datasource.password': '',
        'Datasource.user': 'ybon',
        '': ''

See Kosmtik local configuration for more details if needed.

2. Create a PostGIS aware DB

If you don't have a user yet, create one:

sudo -u postgres createuser {youruser}

Then create the db:

sudo -u postgres createdb transilien -O {youruser}

Activate postgis and hstore extensions:

sudo -u postgres psql transilien
transilien=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
transilien=# CREATE EXTENSION hstore;

3. Download OSM data

We need .osm.pbf files from Geofabrik:

We could also download and import the whole France file, but it would be longer.

4. Import data

First, import Île-de-France, in create mode:

osm2pgsql -G -U {youruser} -d transilien path/to/ile-de-france-latest.osm.pbf --hstore --create

Then, import all other files in append mode, for example:

osm2pgsql -G -U {youruser} -d transilien path/to/picardie-latest.osm.pbf --hstore --append

5. Render map locally

From the root of your kosmtik instance, run:

node index.js serve path/to/transilien/project.yml

Then browse to http://localhost:6789

6. Export map

Export a tiles tree:

node index.js export path/to/transilien/project.yml --format tiles --output path/to/output/ --minZoom 10 --maxZoom 14

Export a MBTiles file:

node index.js export path/to/transilien/project.yml --format mbtiles --output path/to/output.mbtiles --minZoom 10 --maxZoom 14