Missing Design Unit : ethernet_mac_tx_fifo_xilinx
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I'm trying to compile the design using QuestaSim.
I'm getting an error when trying to compile tx_fifo.vhd
the error says: "# Error: ** Error: (vcom-11) Could not find work.ethernet_mac_tx_fifo_xilinx."
I cannot find any component in the project files named "ethernet_mac_tx_fifo_xilinx"
Is this missing ?
It's a Xilinx IP core that you have to generate with the Xilinx tools.
See https://github.com/yol/ethernet_mac/tree/master/xilinx/ipcore_dir and https://github.com/yol/ethernet_mac#preparation
OK I've installed ISE 14.7 and when I open the .xise project file ,I get a pop up box saying "Source files in the project cannot be found (2)"
ISE is looking for the following files in the ipcore folder
If I ignore these errors and do what the intructions suggest to 'Regenerate all Cores', then I get a box saying "No cores found in the design. Please add a core to the project before running this process"
Hi, it was many moons ago that I last used ISE and I don't have the time currently to set it all up again, so I'm afraid I can't really help you there. Maybe someone else that successfully used the code can chime in?