
Please upgrade to r118!!!

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Hi @yomotsu ! First off I would like to say : GREAT JOB! Keep up the GREAT work! Please give yourself a pat on the back! <3

Second, can you please make this work for any model loader & update to r118? When using r118, I get error :

zip-loader.js:3654 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined

Once again, PLEASE keep up the great work!



@yomotsu : Hello?

Thanks for using the lib.
I could make it work for GLB, but no motivation to do others😅

@yomotsu You are ABSOLUTELY welcome, sir! <3 Can you make it so that we have the option to allow for different file formats in three.js if we need to? That way you don't have to be motivated to create the OBJ code, we, the users can! Can you also add password protected zip file export?

MUCH thanks for all that you do, sir! <3



I think it's already possible without any change in the lib if you use .obj

@yomotsu : How would I do that? It appears Zip Loader doesn't work in r118. :(

How do I reproduce your case?
Do you mind providing a demo, please?

@yomotsu : I do not mind at all! :) Will send you a link to a github demo in a few minutes! :)

@yomotsu : Sorry for the wait! Had a bit of a problem with github desktop. But it's working now! :) Anyway, here is a link to the r118 demo so you can see for yourself : https://thundros.github.io/zip-loader/examples/Alicia.html | here is a link to the repository : https://thundros.github.io/zip-loader/

JSON format of three.js has been removed a long time ago.
Use GLB instead.
For more detail, read https://threejs.org/docs/#examples/en/loaders/GLTFLoader

I will remove JSON support from this lib too.

@yomotsu : Is there a simple way I can add OBJ to it? If so, how?

Use OBJLoader then.

if you still have questions, refer the three.js docs.

@yomotsu : It doesn't load in r118. How do I get it to work in r118?

Sorry but I'm not a customer service

Apologies. I was just asking. :(

I think you should just use OBJLoader of three.js without zip-loader.
Read three.js docs for more detail.

Closing the issue since this is not a bug report nor a feature request.