
somethind about cache

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I am using your Ziploader in my project for a progress effecttoin which did a very good work for me .

but i have noticed that very time I refresh my browser it will make a new xhr request and do not read

from the disk as cache. how can I make it read from the cache when I refresh my broswer?

@CoffeeAndTea Thanks for using ZipLoader.js 😆

I checked with https://yomotsu.github.io/ZipLoader/examples/basic.html but it seems cache is working for me.

screen-shot-2017-09-29-at-1 36 17-am

Here is the ajax code of ZipLoader. I think cache should work. But if you find something there, let me know.

Chrome's Disable cache option might cause the problem. Could you check it once again?
If the problem still exists, Could I have more information for that?