
ScrollView on mainView

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have trouble creating a scrollView inside the main view (what you see before opening the drawer).
It works everywhere (ex. opening another window) except inside the "main" controller.

<Require src="main" id="mainC"> </Require>

This is my main.xml

<ScrollView id="testscroll" layout="vertical" backgroundColor="white" showVerticalScrollIndicator="true"></ScrollView>

my main.js

var containerView = Ti.UI.createView({
  height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
  layout: "vertical",
  borderColor: "blue"
var label1 = Ti.UI.createLabel({
  text: "MyText",
  color: "black"


Appreciate your help.

Only iOs or Android?

Sorry, I completly forgot this thread.
I can't test on iOs now

Now I'm using a trick that do the job but that's not a solution: I create a new menu item that links to the scrollView and use setCenterView

I am having the same error: This will work both iOS and Android


<Alloy> <View layout="vertical" > <Label>Hi</Label> </View> </Alloy>
But this will only work on iOS and give error on Android:

<Alloy> <ScrollView> <Label>Hi</Label> </ScrollView> </Alloy>

The problems is that I need longer pages so ScrollView is the solution but I am getting this error on Android.

Anyone can help Out? lebrac9 how did you solve this?


As I said before, you can put your scrollview in a separate controller. Then, in the index.js call
It works on Android, on iOS try yourself

It's a bit "dirty" but it's something...

Thanks lebrac9 it worked! I did it this way on index.js:

