Technical Lead Manager @ Open Government Products. BComp (Hons) in Computer Science @ National University of Singapore
Open Government ProductsSingapore
yong-jie's Followers
- arsalan0cSingapore
- bizlinksghubBizLINKS Resources Ptd Ltd
- bjuspiNanyang Technological University
- cheeaunUnemployed since Jul'22
- Douglas88
- fullsalvo
- hueyySingapore
- INCENDESingapore
- IonBazan@weaspire
- jetnewNational University of Singapore
- KaiquanMah
- kvtoramanLighter (@elliottech)
- laughingkid-sgKatoKato
- leonardovenoso
- Lisprez
- lzxiaohu
- maskegger
- MinChanSikeSingapore
- navoytakSingapore
- peter-le-sgCanada
- peterzam
- Puteri16
- qin-guan@opengovsg
- R1dwanMaulana@Reblood
- raivatshah@FlintK12
- shshnkg
- sonbui00Singapore
- sonnylazuardi@grab
- syazfraser
- the-robot@opengovsg
- TomatoCreamNational University of Singapore
- warrenweenhttps://github.com/warrenween
- xavierchiaSingapore
- yutong0424
- zanesoo-zz