
Missing polygons when accessing ArcGIS REST service

ajjdan opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello and thanks for this nice package!
I wanted to use it to access a specific ArcGIS REST server to get a polygon shapefile: ArcGIS REST

The polygons present in this server can be seen in this map: Map of Polygons

I used this code to download the third layer in the FeatureServer. I runs without error.

url <-"https://services.arcgis.com/XG15cJAlne2vxtgt/ArcGIS/rest/services/CRC_Community_Layers_May_2017/FeatureServer/3" community_sf <- esri2sf(url, crs = 3857)

The resulting sf object has missing features. I exported it using the following code:
st_write(community_sf, paste0(path_to_files,"eligible_communities_2017_3"), driver = "ESRI Shapefile", append = FALSE )

And loaded it into QGIS in which I accessed the same layer trough that all the polygons were present. Any idea why this is happening?
