
Tidis + TiKV not GC for long time test

slow-zhang opened this issue · 7 comments

hi here, i using 3pd + 3 tikv + 1 tidis cluster and using go-ycsb test. After loaded 35M keys, I start a long run test with only read and update like the following config. The cluster finally stopped duo to full disks.

Why there is no GC in my cluster?

tidis config


listen = ""
max_connection = 5000

loglevel = "info"

#transaction retry count when commit failed in case of conflict
txn_retry = 2

auth = ""

tenantid = ""

#tikv placement driver addresses
pds = "pd-ip:2379"'

tikv config

    raftdb.max-background-jobs: 3
    raftdb.max-sub-compactions: 1
    raftdb.rate-bytes-per-sec: 60M
    raftstore.raft-base-tick-interval: 3s
    raftstore.raft-store-max-leader-lease: 27s
    readpool.coprocessor.use-unified-pool: true
    readpool.storage.use-unified-pool: false
    readpool.unified.max-thread-count: 6
    rocksdb.max-background-jobs: 3
    rocksdb.max-sub-compactions: 1
    rocksdb.rate-bytes-per-sec: 60M
    rocksdb.titan.enabled: true
    server.grpc-keepalive-time: 12s
    storage.block-cache.capacity: 40

using go-ycsb command run


nohup ./bin/go-ycsb run redis
-P myworkload
-p redis.addr="ip:5379"
-p redis.pool_size=128
-p threadcount=32
-p tikv.conncount=128

Can you describe it in details?
In tidis,modify a key will not cause different encoding keys in tikv(rocksdb). But rocksdb wil have size amplification due to read/write and compaction configure.
What is your disk size and initial data size after insertion 35000000 records?

I use AWS m5.16xlarge * 3, 24disk * 1900GB, 35M records with 3-copy used ~7T in total. In the update & read workload, disk is exhausted and tikv breakdown duo to it

Can you run test again refer to tikv configuration in wiki https://github.com/yongman/tidis/wiki/Tidis-base-benchmark ?
RocksDB tuning is a complicated thing due to different workload.

@slow-zhang After checked the code, GC configuration lost in code.
GC code has been added in tag https://github.com/yongman/tidis/releases/tag/v1.1.0 .
You can test again with the newest code. Ping me if have any further questions.

@yongman Thank you, I will test again

Was the issue resolved? I'm curious

Was the issue resolved? I'm curious
