
rotating package not found

xmarti6 opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, congratulations for this wonderful tool! I've been trying to install it but I came up with this output in windows. I tried with the latest version (1.3.1) and get the same.


library("texPreview", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.5")
Warning in system(cmd, intern = intern, wait = wait | intern, show.output.on.console = wait, : running command 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c mpm --list-package-names | grep rotating' had status 1 Warning in check_requirments() : missing tex packages needed for texPreview: rotating
Warning in system(cmd, intern = intern, wait = wait | intern, show.output.on.console = wait, : running command 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c mpm --list-package-names | grep rotating' had status 1 Warning in check_requirments() : missing tex packages needed for texPreview: rotating

It seems that "rotating" is bundled within the "graphics" package, and is not an independent package anymore. Therefore, "graphics" is listed in "mpm --list-package-names" but not "rotating". Doesn't look serious, but the warning shows up repeatedly from time to time along the RStudio session.
Thank you very much in advance

thanks for bringing this up. i'll update the list that checks for packages.

you can test out the new version from this commit c79d7cb

It works perfectly now, thank you very much!
By the way, would it be possible to increase dpi or some resolution parameter? for long width tables I cant see the text nor when I zoom it in.

that may be due to an older imagemagick installation you have. what version do you have installed? see this issue for reference ropensci/magick#152

we haven't had trouble with the depth so far, it is set to 16 internally.

you can control the density using tex_opts$set(density = 150).

If you want you can set tex_opts$set(returnType ='html') and get back an magick object and from there you can manipulate it via magick functions.

patch merged into master dc39fee

I'm, indeed, already using the latest version of ImageMagick "2.0". But the "density" parameter worked like a charm, thank you very much!