
Can't select booklet binding

SYSKYMAN opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi I don't know why but I can't select booklet binding. Is it locked by default or I doing something wrong. If not this issue, program would be the best.

Small issues:
Would be very good if added pages be without the text. Extra pages in the middle of the chapter don't need to have text. And extra pages in the end or in front of the chapter can have text, but it would be better if text say what's gonna be next chapter and/or when chapter ends. But the most useful would be customisable text when you can to choose best suited phrase to use.

Hi, currently booklet isn't supported. Good to know there is interest in that feature, so I will make time to develop it.

I will also create new issue for:

most useful would be customisable text

yonixw commented

Hi, I had time to work on this project and now booklet binding is available, and also many configurations such as page text.

Here is my short video explaining configurations:
